• Trace acquisition condition
Do not set the trace end condition for the sleep instruction and the branch instruction according
to which the delay slot becomes the sleep instruction.
When [I-Bus, M-Bus & Branch] is selected and the trace acquisition condition is set for the M-
bus and I-bus with Event Condition, set the M-bus condition and the I-bus condition for [Event
Condition 1] and [Event Condition 2], respectively.
If the settings of [I-Trace mode] are changed during execution of the program, execution will
be suspended. (The number of clocks to be suspended during execution of the program is a
maximum of about 51 peripheral clocks (Pφ) + 4096 bus clocks (Bφ). If the peripheral clock
(Pφ) is 33.3 MHz and the bus clock (Bφ) is 66.6 MHz, the program will be suspended for
1.757 μs.)
• Displaying a trace
If a trace is displayed during execution of the program, execution will be suspended to acquire
the trace information. (The number of clocks to be suspended during execution of the program
is a maximum of about 20480 peripheral clocks (Pφ) + 4096 bus clocks (Bφ). If the peripheral
clock (Pφ) is 33.3 MHz and the bus clock (Bφ) is 66.6 MHz, the program will be suspended for
676.52 μs.)