7. If the settings of the Event condition or the sequential conditions are changed during
execution of the program, execution will be suspended. (The number of clocks to be
suspended during execution of the program is a maximum of about 102 bus clocks
(Bφ). If the bus clock (Bφ) is 66.6 MHz, the program will be suspended for 1.53 μs.)
8. I f the settings of Event conditions or the sequential conditions are changed during
execution of the program, the emulator temporarily disables all Event conditions to
change the settings. During this period, no Event condition will be satisfied.
9. If the break condition before executing an instruction is set to the instruction followed
by DIVU and DIVS, the factor for halting a break will be incorrect under the following
If a break occurs during execution of the above DIVU and DIVS instructions, the break
condition before executing an instruction, which has been set to the next instruction,
may be displayed as the factor for halting a break.
10. If the break conditions before and after executing instructions are set to the same
address, the factor for halting a break will be incorrectly displayed. The factor for
halting a break due to the break condition after executing an instruction will be
displayed even if a break is halted by the break condition before executing an
11. Do not set the break condition after executing instructions and BREAKPOINT
(software break) to the same address.
12. When the emulator is being connected, the user break controller (UBC) function is not
2.2.2 Trace Functions
The emulator supports the trace functions listed in table 2.8.
Table 2.8 Trace Functions
Function Internal Trace AUD Trace
Branch trace Supported Supported
Memory access trace Supported Supported
Software trace Not supported Supported