Table 2.7 Conditions to Be Set (cont) Classification Item Description
[Ch1, 2, 3] list box
Ch1 to Ch2 PA Sets the performance measurement period during
the time from the satisfaction of the condition set in
Event Condition 1 (start condition) to the
satisfaction of the condition set in Event Condition
2 (end condition).
[Ch4, 5] list box Sets the point-to-point of the internal trace (the start or end condition of
trace acquisition) using Event Conditions 4 and 5.
Don’t care Sets no start or end condition of trace acquisition.
I-Trace: Ch5 to Ch4
Sets the acquisition period during the time from the
satisfaction of the condition set in Event Condition
5 (start condition) to the satisfaction of the
condition set in Event Condition 4 (end condition).
I-Trace: Ch5 to Ch4
PtoP, power-on reset
Sets the acquisition period during the time from the
satisfaction of the condition set in Event Condition
5 (start condition) to the satisfaction of the
condition set in Event Condition 4 (end condition)
or the power-on reset.
Notes: 1. After the sequential condition and the count specification condition of Event Condition 1
have been set, break and trace acquisition will be halted if the sequential condition is
satisfied for the specified count.
2. If a reset point is satisfied, the satisfaction of the condition set in Event Condition will be
disabled. For example, if the condition is satisfied in the order of Event Condition 3, 2,
reset point, 1, the break or trace acquisition will not be halted. If the condition is
satisfied in the order of Event Condition 3, 2, reset point, 3, 2, 1, the break and trace
acquisition will be halted.
3. If the start condition is satisfied after the end condition has been satisfied by measuring
performance, performance measurement will be restarted. For the measurement result
after a break, the measurement results during performance measurement are added.
4. If the start condition is satisfied after the end condition has been satisfied by the point-
to-point of the internal trace, trace acquisition will be restarted.