

Camera settings can be saved to O, P, and Q of the mode
dial and used repeatedly.
The following settings can be saved.
1Set all of the settings to save on the camera.
2Select [Save USER Mode] in A4 menu
andpress D.
The [Save USER Mode] screen appears.
3Select [Save Settings]
andpress D.
The [Save Settings] screen
4Select [USER1], [USER2] or [USER3],
andpress D.
5Select [Save] and press E.
The screen of Step 3 reappears.
u Caution
[Save USER Mode] cannot be selected when the mode
dialis set to T.
t Memo
The settings saved as USER mode can be displayed on the
monitor when you select [Check Saved Settings] in Step 3.
To reset the settings to the default values, select [Reset
USER Mode] in Step 3.
You can change the name of the USER mode in which you
saved settings.
1Select [Rename USER Mode] in Step 3 of “Saving

the Settings” and press D.

The [Rename USER Mode] screen appears.
2Select [USER1], [USER2] or [USER3],
andpress D.
The text-entry screen appears.
3Change the text.
Up to 18 single-byte
alphanumeric characters and
symbols can be entered.
Available operations
Saving Frequently Used Settings A4
Exposure Mode
(exceptfor T / C)
EV Compensation
AE Metering
AF point
Flash Mode
Drive Mode
White Balance
Custom Image
A1-4 menu settings
E1-4 menu settings

Saving the Settings

Save USE R M ode
Save USER Mode
Save Settings
Save Settings
Rename U SER Mod e
Rename USER Mode
Check Sa ved Set ting s
Check Saved Settings
Reset US ER Mode
Reset USER Mode

Editing a Setting Name

ABCD Moves the text selection cursor.
RMoves the text input cursor.
JSwitches between upper and lower case letters.
EEnters a character selected with the text
selection cursor at the position of the text
input cursor.
LDeletes a character at the position of the text
input cursor.
Delete O ne Char acte r
Delete One Character
Rename U SER Mod e
Rename USER Mode
Text selection cursor
Text input cursor
e_kb502_om.book Page 75 Monday, October 14, 2013 4:14 PM