Chart of Scan Sizes for Each Function
Chart of Scan Sizes for Each FunctionThe following chart shows the scan size limitations for Shift, Margin Adjust-
ment, Edit Image, and Print functions.
Functions Standard Optional HDD installed
Shift A0(E) less than 6m (236")
Margin Adjustment A0(E) less than 6m
Image Overlay A1(D) A0 (E)K
Format Overlay — A0 (E)K
Erase Delete Inside A1 or smaller, 5 location.
A0/D or smaller 1, location.
A1 or smaller, 5 location.
A0/D or smaller 1, location.
Delete Outside A1 or smaller, 5 location.
A0/D or smaller 1, location.
A1 or smaller, 5 location.
A0/D or smaller 1, location.
Border Erase A0 (E) less than 5.5m (216")
with Delete Inside, Bor-
der Erase, and Image
A1 (D) A0 (E)K
Delete Outside and Image
Overlay Combinations
A1 (D) A0 (E)K
with Delete Inside, Bor-
der Erase, and Format
A1 (D) A0 (E)K
with Delete Outside and
Format Overlay
A1 (D) A0 (E)K
Positive/Negative A0 (E) less than 6m (236")
Mirror Image less than 6m (236") less than 6m
Double Copies Output: A0 (E) less than 6m (236")
with no other modes A0 (E) A0 (E)K
with Border Erase A0 (E) A0 (E)K
with Image Overlay A1 (D) A0 (E)K
with Format Overlay — A0 (E)K
Stamp A0 A0