User Tools (Copier Features)
Shortcut Reduce/Enlarge
You can specify a frequently used reproduction ratio to appear on the basic
Metric version: 71%
Inch version (Engineering): 65%
Inch version (Architecture): 67%
User Auto Reduce/Enlarge
Specifies the original and copy sizes to be displayed when the [User Auto R/E]
key is pressed. See P.44 “User Auto Reduce/Enlarge”
Select the copy size to use with the original size.
If you have selected a setting for A0(E) size paper in Auto Reduce/Enlarge,
you cannot select "Original orientationL". When you cannot select "Orig-
inal orientationL" (grayed out), select the original size and copy size for
Horizontal in this setting.
User Auto R/E Original Size Detect
Specifies whether an original should be processed as a vertical or horizontal
original when [User Auto R/E] is selected. See P.44 “User Auto Reduce/Enlarge”
Original Orientation: K
Original Orientation: L
Default: Original OrientationK