Settings You Can Change with the User Tools
Noise Reduction
Specifies the noise (small specks of dirt or dust on the image) reduction level
for each of the original types (Text, Text/Photo, Pale, Special Original.)
If you select [Off], small scratches and specks on the original will not be re-
Default: Off
Original Mode Quality Level
Adjusts the finish for each original type.
Default: Normal
When select [Special]: Your service representative will set this to a value
that matches your requirements. For details consult your service represen-
Manual Image Density Level
Specifies the copy image density for each original type.
Default: Normal
Sort Copy Setting
Specifies whether all the originals should be scanned before starting copying,
when using the Sort function. Or whether copying should start while origi-
nals are still being scanned. See P.51 “Sort/Rotate Sort”
If "Rear" is selected for the copy output when using the Sort function, even if
[Copy after Each Scan] is selected, copying starts after all the originals have
been scanned.
Copy after All Scans
Copy after Each Scan
Default: Copy after All Scans