Symptom: Images won’t display
The HD1000 supports JPEG images with standard (not progressive) JPEG compression only. Make sure that your image uses the exten- sion .JPG or .JPEG (not .JPE). Images with EXIF data are supported.
Symptom: Video files won’t play
The HD1000 supports MPEG2 Transport Stream files only. First, make sure the video file has one of the following extensions
.MPG, .MPEG, .TS, .TP, and .TSP. Then, make sure that your video is a transport stream file. These are usually files created from ATSC video capture cards found in computers. They are commonly used to record broadcast TV programming as MPEG2 files. If you see the error message that the MPEG file does not play, the file is probably not a transport stream. Program Stream MPEG2 files (commonly found on DVD files) and all MPEG1 files (commonly found on files downloaded from the Internet) are not supported. Also, video files must be played over a wired (Ethernet) network. Playback over a wireless network is currently not supported.
Symptom: Files recently saved on networked media source don’t appear on HD1000.
To refresh the HD1000’s browser, click Menu. Browse to the icon corresponding to your shared media source on the left of the screen and press Select. If the folder selection window pops up, highlight the Select button at the bottom of the window and press Select on your remote control. Your contents should now appear refreshed. If you still have trouble viewing files, make sure your files match the supported formats (see “Music files won’t play,” “Video files won’t play,” and “Images won’t display,” above).
Symptom: I am viewing images and would now like to listen to music. How do I go back to the Music Player?
Press Menu to return to the Main Menu and press Listen. To navi- gate to desired music files on other media sources, highlight the desired media source on the left side of the Main Menu screen and press Select to view its contents. To listen to music and view images at the same time, see below.
Symptom: I am listening to music and would now like to view images. How do I go back to the Image Viewer?
With your music playing, press Menu to return to the Main Menu and press Slideshow. To navigate to other desired image files, high- light the Browse button and press Select (or, highlight the desired media source on the left side of the screen and press Select to view its contents). If you would like to view images without listening to music, press Pause before navigating from your Music Player back to the Main Menu.
Symptom: I like the clock that comes with the HD1000, but the time isn’t correct.
From the main menu, select Setup. Scroll through the setup options and pick “Set Time.” Set your time and timezone. Note: If your HD1000 is connected to the Internet, it should set the time auto- matically via “NTP.”
For more helfpful tips, see