
This section provides points to check and actions to take when the SP-606 does not function as you expect. Refer to the appropriate section for the problem you are experiencing.

The Screen Display Is Not Visible, or Is Difficult to Read

If you find the screen display difficult or impossible to read, hold down [KNOB ASSIGN] and turn the VALUE dial to adjust the contrast.

Problems When Playing Sounds

No Sound/Insufficient Volume
Is the SP-606 correctly connected to your external equipment?

Check the connections. (p. 20)

Could your audio cables be broken?Could you be using a cable with a built-in resistor?

Use connection cables that do not have built-in resistors (such

as the Roland PCS series).

Could the volume be lowered on the connected amp or mixer?

Adjust the volume to an appropriate level.

Could the volume of the SP-606 be too low?

Adjust the volume to an appropriate level.

Is there sound from the headphones?

If you hear sound from the headphones, the problem lies in a broken cable or in the amp or mixer that is connected. Check the connections and the connected devices. (p. 20)

In the MASTER screen, could “In Level,” “Low Gain,” or “High Gain” be lowered?

Adjust the various levels in the MASTERING screen

appropriately. (p. 34)

Is the SP-606 in External mode?

Samples will not sound in External mode. (p. 15)

Specific Pads Do Not Sound
Could the level of the sample be lowered?

Adjust the level of the sample. (p. 50)

Try turning off the MFX1 and MFX2 switches.

If you now hear sound, it may be that the level was being constrained by the MFX parameters, or that the MFX type was set to “ENVELOPER (PAD).” Adjust the parameters to appropriate settings. If the MFX type is “ENVELOPER (PAD),” striking a pad will apply an envelope so that the sound will be heard.

The Sound Stops Unexpectedly
Could a Mute Group be specified?

Turn off the Mute Group. (p. 50)

Could “Trig Mode” be set to ALTERNATE?

If “Trig Mode” is set to ALTERNATE, the sample will alternately play or stop each time you strike the pad. If you want the sample to sound each time you strike the pad, set “Trig Mode” to GATE or SHOT. (p. 50)

The Sound Does Not Stop
Could “Trig Mode” be set to SHOT?

If “Trig Mode” is set to SHOT, the sample will play all the way to its end, so that for a long sample it may seem that the sound does not stop. If you set “Trig Mode” to ALTERNATE, the sample will alternately play or stop each time you strike the pad. Or, if you set “Trig Mode” to GATE, the sample will continue playing only as long as you hold down the pad. (p. 50)

Could the Loop setting of the sample be turned on?

Turn looping off. (p. 50)

Can’t Control the Volume by Varying Your Striking Force on the Pads
Could “Pad Velocity” be set to a fixed setting?

If you want to control the volume by varying your striking force on the pads, you must set “Pad Velocity” to REAL. (p. 31)