Setting the Device ID

—Transmitting saved data to

two or more TD-10 units

The setting described here is necessary only when you wish
to transmit separate data to two or more TD-10 units at the
same time. Do not change this setting in any other case. If
you lose track of the Device ID setting that was used when
saving data via a bulk dump,it will no longer be possible to
reload the bulk data that was saved.
* With the factory settings, the device ID is set to 17.
1. Press [SETUP]-[F2 (MIDI)]-[F1 (GLOBAL)].
The “MIDI GLOBAL” page will appear.
2. Use [CURSOR] to move the cursor to DEVICE ID.
3. Use [INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial to make the setting.
Device ID: 132


(Example) Suppose that when data was saved via bulk
dump, the TD-10’s Device ID was set to “17.” When re-trans-
mitting this data back to the TD-10, it won’t receive if the
Device ID is set to something other than 17.
Using pads to play anexternal MIDI sound module
Here’s how to make settings.
* You can play the TD-10 sounds with external sounds (called
As shown in the following diagram, use a MIDI cable to con-
nect the TD-10’s MIDI OUT to the MIDI IN connector of the
external MIDI sound source.

Selecting the note number trans-

mitted by each pad

You can select the MIDI note number (key number) that
each pad will transmit. Set this to the note number of the
sound that you wish to play on the external sound module
or sampler.
1. Press [INST]-[F4 (CTRL)]-[F4 (MIDI)].
The “INST CTRL” page will appear.
2. Strike the pad that you wish to edit.
The note that is assigned to the pad will be indicated on the
keyboard in the screen. Also, the note number will appear in
“Note No.”
3. Use [CURSOR] to move the cursor to Note No.
4. Use [INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial to select the note num-
Note No.: 0 (C -)127 (G 8)
Device ID: 17
Device ID: 16
Transmit data
Device ID:17
System exclusive is
not received