❍RPN MSB/LSB (Controller number 100, 101)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 65H mmH
BnH 64H llH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = upper byte of parameter number specified by RPN
ll = lower byte of parameter number specified by RPN
* In the Drum part, ignored This message.
* The value specified by RPN will not be reset even by messages such as Program Change
or Reset All Controller.
* Not recorded in the sequencer.
RPN Data entry
MSB LSB MSB LSB Explanation
00H 00H mmH —- Pitch Bend Sensitivity
mm: 00H - 18H (0 - 24 semitones)
Initial Value = 02H (2 semitones)
ll: ignored (processed as 00H)
specify up to 2 octaves in semitone steps
7FH 7FH —- —- RPN null
set condition where RPN and NRPN are unspecified. The data
entry messages after set RPN null will be ignored.
(No Data entry messages are required after RPN null).
Settings already made will not change.
mm,ll: ignored
●Program Change
Status 2nd byte
CnH ppH
1. Drum Part
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
pp = Program number: 00H - 7FH (prog.1 - prog.128)
2. Part 1, Part 2, Bass Part
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
pp = Program number: 00H - 35H (prog.1 - prog.54)
* The sound will change beginning with the next note-on after the program change is
received. Voices which were already sounding before the program change was received
will not be affected.
* Not recorded in the sequencer.
●Pitch Bend Change
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
EnH llH mmH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm,ll = Pitch Bend value: 00 00H - 40 00H - 7F 7FH (-8192 - 0 - +8191)
Initial value = 40H 00H (Center)
* When recording, this is recorded in the sequencer data itself.
■Channel Mode Messages● All Sounds Off (Controller number 120)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 78H 00H
n = MIDI channel number:0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
* When this message is received, all currently-sounding notes on the corresponding chan-
nel will be silenced. However, the status of channel messages will not change.
* When recording, this is recorded in the sequencer data itself.
●Reset All Controllers (Controller number 121)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 79H 00H
n = MIDI channel number:0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
* When this message is received, the following controllers will be set to their reset val-
ues.When recording, a control message carrying the reset value will be created and
Controller Reset value
Pitch Bend Change +/-0 (center)
Modulation 0 (off)(When set to Ctr Chg.)
Foot Control 0 (off)(When set to Ctr Chg.)
General Purpose Controller 1 0 (off)(When set to Ctr Chg.)
General Purpose Controller 2 0 (off)(When set to Ctr Chg.)
Hold 1 0 (off)
RPN unset; previously set data will not change
●All Notes Off (Controller number 123)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 7BH 00H
n = MIDI channel number:0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
* When All Notes Off is received, all notes on the corresponding channel will be turned
off. However if Hold 1 is ON, the sound will be continued until these are turned off.
* In the recording mode, “Note OFF message” will be created for corresponding Note
ON message, and will be recorded.
●OMNI OFF (Controller number 124)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 7CH 00H
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
* The same processing will be carried out as when All Notes Off is received.
●l OMNI ON (Controller number 125)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 7DH 00H
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
* OMNI ON is only recognized as “All notes off”.
●MONO (Controller number 126)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 7EH mmH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = mono number: 00H - 10H (0 - 16)
* The same processing will be carried out as when All Sound Off or All Notes Off is
●POLY (Controller number 127)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 7FH 00H
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
* The same processing will be carried out as when All Sound Off or All Notes Off is
■System Common Messages●Song Select
Status 2nd byte
F3H ppH
pp = Pattern Number: 00H-63H (PATTERN01-PATTERN100)
* Reception does not take place when the Sync Mode for PATTERN GLOBAL is set to
Internal or MIDI ➝Delay.
* This is recognized only in Pattern Play when playback is stopped.
* Not recorded in the sequencer.
MIDI implementation