The TD-10’s sequencer consists of four parts (like 4 tracks).
The Drum part is used to record/ play back performance
from the pads or an external MIDI controller. There are three
other parts for melodic instruments: Part 1, Part 2 and the
Bass part.
A set of performances for each of these four parameters is
collectively referred to as a pattern.
The Preset patterns (1–50) contain pre-recorded perfor-
mances for each part and can be used for listening, or as a
practice/performance tool. Preset patterns cannot be erased
(p. 104) or recorded over. The User patterns (51–100) can be
used for recording. In order to record melodic instruments
on Part 1, Part 2 and the Bass part, you will need to use an
external MIDI keyboard. Recording the Drum part can be
done from the pads or an external MIDI controller.
Basic sequencer operation
The “SEQENCER” buttons located on the front panel are
used to perform basic operations and access the setting
pages. Pressing [PATTERN] will call up the basic display
page of the sequencer.
[PATTERN]: Select patterns. This is the basic display page
for the sequencer.
[PART]: Make settings for each Part.
[TEMPO]: Set the Tempo.
[CLICK]: Turn the click sound on/off.
[STOP]: Pressing this will stop playback. Pressing it
once again returns you to the beginning of the
[PLAY]: Start sequencer playback.
[REC]: Access the recording setting page, and enter
record-standby mode.
[CURSOR]: Press the left button to rewind, and the right
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