[INST]: Creating drum sounds

The settings in this section are for the drums themselves, and they are concerned with the funda-
mental elements that determine the character of the sound. Via easy operations you can proceed
through the process of selecting an instrument, deciding its material and shape, and adjust the tun-
ing, etc.
During the procedures described here, you can use [TRIG SELECT] to select triggers/sounds even if pads are
not connected, and use [PREVIEW] to audition the sound.

Selecting an instrument

1Press [INST].
The following screen will appear:
2Strike the pad whose instrument you wish to change.
The instrument select page for the specified pad will appear.
3Use [INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial to select a different instrument. Strike the pad as you select differ-
ent instruments to hear how they sound.
In this example, lets use 106 Maple1 S as the snare, and edit this to create our sound.