●Rotating [MASTER] does not change
the volume
The [MASTER] knob adjusts the volume level from the
MASTER jacks, and does not affect the volume of the output
from the headphones or the DIRECT 1, 2, 3 outputs.
●No Effects
Check the following points by pressing the buttons in the
order given in parentheses ( ) and you’ll access the appro-
priate setting page.
• Has the master effect switch been turned off? ([KIT]-[F3
(FX SW)])
➝Press [F4] to turn it “ON.”
• Has the “send” level for each instrument been turned
down?(for digital effects) ([CONTROL ROOM]-[F4
➝Hit the pad for which no effect is sounding, and the cur-
sor will move to the slider for that pad. Use [INC/DEC]
or the VALUE dial to raise the value.
• Has the master level of the effect been turned down? (In
the page accessed by [CONTROL ROOM]-[F4 (EFFECT)]-
[F2 (SNDRTN)], select “Output Level”)
➝In the setting page, select “Output Level” and use
[INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial to raise the value.
●No Ambience
Check the following points by pressing the buttons in the
order given in parentheses ( ) and you’ll access the appropri-
ate setting page.
• Has the master ambience switch been turned off? ([KIT]-
[F3 (FX SW)])
➝Press [F1] to turn it “ON.”
• Has the “send” level for each instrument been turned
down? ([STUDIO]-[F4 (AMBNCE)]-[F1 (AMBSND)])
➝Hit the pad for which no ambience is heard, and the cur-
sor will move to the slider for that pad. Use [INC/DEC]
or the VALUE dial to raise the value.
• Has the ambience group send level been turned down?
➝Select the group to which ambience does not apply
(“DRUMS”, “PERC”, “PART” ), and use [INC/DEC] or
the VALUE dial to raise the value.
• Has the level of the ambience output destination been
lowered? ([STUDIO]-[F4 (AMBNCE)]-[F3 (AMBLVL])
➝Select the output destination (“MASTER”, “DIR1”,
“DIR2”, “DIR3” ), and use [INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial
to raise the value.
• The volume level of the instrument connected to MIX IN
jack is too low.
➝Could you be using a connection cable that contains a
Use a connection cable that does not contain a resistor.
●Equalizer doesn’t work (individual
Check the following points by pressing the buttons in the
order given in parentheses ( ) and you’ll access the appro-
priate setting page.
• Has the switch that turns the equalizer on/off for each kit
been turned off? ([KIT]-[F3 (FX SW)])
➝Press [F3] to turn it “ON.”
• Has the master equalizer switch been turned off? ([KIT]-
[F4 (MAS EQ)])
➝Press [F1] to turn it “ON.”
• Has the equalizer switch for each pad been turned off?
➝Hit the pad for which no equalizion is heard and the set-
ting page for that pad will appear.
Press [F1] to turn the setting “ON.”
●Compressor doesn’t work
• Has the switch which turns the compressor on/off for
each kit been turned off? ([KIT]-[F3 (FX SW)])
➝Press [F2] to turn it “ON.”
• Has the compressor switch for each pad been turned off?
➝Hit the pad for which no compression is heard so that the
setting page for that pad appears. Press [F1] to turn the
setting “ON.”
• Are the compressor settings correct? ([CONTROL
ROOM]-[F2 (COMP)])
➝Refer to the explanations on p. 91 and correct the com-
pressor settings.
Concerning pads and pedals●Playing velocity doesn’t correspond
to the resulting sound
First refer to the “Quick Start” “Specify the pads that the TD-
10 will use” (p. 29) and make sure that the basic settings are
correct. If this does not solve the problem or if you are using
pads made by another manufacturer, refer to “Adjusting the
sensitivity of a pad ” (p. 39) and make detailed settings.
●An instrument other than the one
assigned is heard
When you hit a pad have the head/rim assignments been
inverted? Also, simultaneously striking the head and rim
(Rim Shot) will trigger the instrument assigned to the rim. If
you wish to play the sound that is assigned to the head, be
sure to strike only the head.
●Have you changed the “SCAN
TIME” setting (p. 111) after selecting
the “TRIGGER TYPE” (p. 108)?
The head tension adjustment (p. 110) does not work correct-
ly when the “SCAN TIME” setting is excessively low. This
setting is automatically set to the most efficient values for
each pad when you select the “TRIGGER TYPE” again.