If you wish to restore all internal settings to the factory pre-
set values use the Initialize operation explained below. All
internal settings will be lost when you perform the Initialize
operation, so if necessary, save your data to a memory card
or on an external MIDI device before initializing.
1. Press [SETUP]-[F4 (UTIL)]-[F4 (INIT)].
The “SYSTEM INITIALIZE” page will appear.
2. Press [F4 (INIT)].
A confirmation display will appear.
3. Press [F4 (EXEC)] and the TD-10’s data will be initialized.
(Press [F1 (CANCEL)] to return to the previous page with-
out executing the operation.)
How to recall original factory presets for individual drum
kits, percussion groups and trigger banks.
Initializing individual Drum kits.
1. Press [KIT].
The “DRUM KIT” page appears.
2. Press [TOOLS]-[F1 (Copy)].
The “COPY DRUM KIT” page appears, showing the source
and destination positions.
3. Use [INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial to, scroll until you see
“PRESET” in front of the drum kit you wish to recall.
4. Press [F4 (COPY)].
A confirmation display will appear.
5. Then press [F4 (EXEC)] and the data will be restored.
(Press [F1 (CANCEL)] to return to the previous page with-
out executing out the operation.)
Restoring the factory settings (INITIALIZE)