Listening to the internal demo playback

The TD-10 contains demo songs that demonstrate its sounds and expressive capabilities. The demo
song is a rainbow of 4 short songs, arranged as a medley. It plays back in loop (repeating)
mode, yet you can also listen, starting from any of 4 positions, accessed as follows:
1Set each of the [GROUP FADERS] sliders [KICK][SNARE][HI-HAT][OTHERS][BACKING] to the
same volume.
2Hold down [SETUP] and press [CHAIN].
In this display, the cursor defaults to Rock.
3Use [INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial to select the section number.
You can start listening from the beginning of any of the four sections.
4Press [PLAY].
You can listen to the medley and it will continue to loop.
During playback, the [GROUP FADERS] function normally allowing you to mix the demo song as
you wish. (for more info on the [GROUP FADERS], see page 37.)
5Press [STOP] to stop playback.
Once you are through listening to the demos, press [EXIT] to return to the DRUM KIT page.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material for purposes other than private, personal enjoyment is a
violation of applicable laws.
No data for the music that is played will be output from MIDI OUT/THRU.
Drum kit 39–42 are used in the Demo Song.
For details of the Demo Song, refer to page 179.

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Before you begin playing