VA-76 – Editing 16-track songs

Data Type

Allows you to select the data to be erased:

Allº: All editable parameters listed below.

Note: Only note messages.

Modul: Only modulation messages (CC01).

PBend: Pitch Bend data (i.e. use of the BENDER/ MODULATION lever).

Volume: Volume (CC07) data.

Expre: Only Expression messages (CC11).

PanPt: Only pan (or PanPot) messages (CC10).

Reverb: Only Reverb Send messages (CC91).

Chorus : Only Chorus Send messages (CC93).

Delay : Only Delay Send messages.

CC16: M-Value 1 slider messages for the M-FX.

CC17: M-Value 2 slider messages for the M-FX.

Note: In the case of the VariPhrase track (13), CC16 is used for controlling the Pitch and CC17 for Time. See also page 49.

CC18: Only available if you recorded a VariPhrase part on track 13. It allows you to change the Formant.

PChng: Program change messages.

NRPN : Non-registered-parameter-number parame- ters. These are parameter control functions of the GS format that are easier to use than SysEx messages (but have basically the same function).

RPN: Registered-parameter-number parameters. They work the same as NRPN messages, except that they are also understood by GM and GM2-compatible sound modules.

CAF: Channel Aftertouch messages. If you don’t really need them, these messages should defi- nitely be erased because they use a lot of memory.

SysExº: MIDI messages that allow you to change parameter values. For music tracks, these messages cannot be programmed on the VA-76, but songs recorded on other devices may contain them. In the case of the M track, only SysEx messages (for Reverb, Chorus, and Delay setup, etc.) located after 1-1-0 can be erased.

Tempoº: Tempo change messages. The initial tempo value (located at 1-1-0 of the song) cannot be erased. You can change it with Header Post Edit, however (see page 161).

Note: Parameters marked with (º) can be selected for the M track. “Tempo” is only available for the M track.

From Note/Than Note (C-1~G9)— This parameter is only displayed if Data Type (see above) is set to “Note”. It allows you to set the note (or lower limit of the note range) to be modified within the specified From/To time range. If you press [Higher] or [Lower], it is called “Than Note”.

To Note (C-1~G9)—This parameter allows you to select the upper limit of the note range you wish to edit. It is only displayed if the [Between] field is dis- played in white. See also “Available options for ‘Note’” on page 148.

Execute— Press this field to confirm your settings and edit the data.


Unlike the Erase function, Delete not only erases the data but also the measures, so that all measures that lie behind the To position, will be shifted towards the beginning of the track(s). Since Delete also disposes of the measures themselves (see the illustration), you cannot choose the data type to be erased.

Delete From 2.1.0 To 4.1.0

Track (1~16, ALL, M)— Allows you to select the track you wish to edit. You can also select “ALL” here, in which case the operation applies to all tracks.

From/To, Bar, Beat, CPT— See page 148.

Execute— Press this field to confirm your settings and edit the data.

Note: Not all settings of the M track are erased: the time sig- nature, the GM/GS Reset message, and the initial tempo (all located at 1.1.0) remain. Lyrics events are only deleted if you selected ALL rather than the M track.


Insert allows you to make an existing track longer by adding rests at the specified position. This will make room for new data and shift data that lie behind the From position further to the right. New data can either be added in realtime (do select the Merge mode, see page 142) or by copying them to the specified posi- tion (see page 153).

Note: The Insert function does not provide a To pointer. Instead, you have to specify the length of the insert using the For value. “For 2 Bars, 2 Beats, 240 CPT” thus means “insert 2 bars, 2 beats and 2 beats” (because 120CPT= ).

Track (1~16, ALL, M)— Allows you to select the track you wish to edit. You can also select “ALL” here, in which case the operation applies to all tracks.


Page 147
Image 147
Roland VA-76 owner manual Data Type, Delete, Insert, From/To, Bar, Beat, CPT- See, 149