A If you are using L.P. (bottled) gas, all the adjustments described on the previous pagemustbemadebeforeyoumakeany burner adjustments or use the oven.

All ovens are factory adjusted for use with the natural gas used In most areas. But, since the gas in some areas may vary you should check all adjustments described below. If you are using L.P. gas, all the adjustments must be made.

Step 1: Adjust Air Shutter

Turn the burner full on and check the flames. Burner flames should not flutteror blow away from the burner They should be blue In color with no trace of yellow Foreign particles in the gas line may cause an orange flame at first, but this will soon disappear.

If the flames are yellow or flutter, open the air shutter more If they blow away from the burner, close the air shutter more. Burner flames should be checked frequently.

To idjust air shutter:

Use a xrewdriver to loosen the air shutter screw. Adjust the air shutter and retighten the air shutter screw.

Step 2: Adjust Orifice Hood

Check the inner cone of lhe flame. It should be about 112” lcng foV the oven broiler burner (see below). If Ihe length of the inner cone of the flame is not correct, use a li2”open end wrench or adjustable joint pliers to adjust the orifice hood

To shorten the cones, tighten the orifice hood by turning in the L P direction.

To lengthen the cones, loosen the orifice hood by turning i the Nat direction.



WARNING: If you attempt to measure the inner cone of the flame, please use caution. Burns could result.




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Roper B875, MN11020(344197) manual Making Burner Adjustments, AIR Shutter --’ Screw