cess the ADVANCED SPEAKER SETUP menu, the current master crossover point will be shown on this line. Change the value of this line only if you want the current speaker to have a dif- ferent crossover point. For example, if your master crossover is set to 80Hz, but you want your front speakers to crossover to the sub- woofer at 60 Hz, you would select 60Hz for the front speakers on this line. This setting ONLY affects redirected bass and does not affect the LFE channel in any way. The OFF setting (avail- able only for the subwoofer) sends a
NOTE: When a speaker is set to LARGE on the SPEAKER SETUP menu or on this MENU, the crossover setting is not available since, by definition, a LARGE speaker plays full- range with no bass redirection to the sub- woofer and no crossover. Likewise, the OFF setting for the subwoofer crossover is not avail- able for SMALL speakers, since SMALL means that the speaker will redirect its bass below a given crossover point to the subwoofer. In addition, the CROSSOVER setting is not avail- able for the MULTI INPUT.
DOLBY (large/small/none): Sets the current speaker (shown in the first line) to LARGE, SMALL, or NONE, overriding the master setting from the SPEAKER SETUP menu. This setting will ONLY take effect with Dolby Digital or Dolby Pro Logic II decoding.
DTS (large/small/none): The same op- tions described for Dolby above, except these settings ONLY take effect with DTS and DTS Neo:6 decoding.
STEREO/MPEG (large/small/none): The same options described for Dolby above, except these settings ONLY take effect in STE- REO surround mode.
MUSIC (large/small/none): The same op- tions described for Dolby above, except these settings ONLY take effect with any of the DSP MUSIC surround modes.
NOTE: When the front speakers are set to use the master crossover frequency on the AD- VANCED SPEAKER SETUP menu, the surround mode specific “large/small/none” settings are not available for the other speakers. These speakers will use the setting determined in the basic SPEAKER SETUP menu.
Subwoofer Setup
DTS: 0dB
The SUBWOOFER SETUP menu allows selec- tion of the master subwoofer crossover fre- quency and independent adjustment of sub- woofer level for each surround mode.
CROSSOVER (40Hz/60Hz/80Hz/ 100Hz/120Hz/150Hz/200Hz/OFF):
This setting specifies a master
The OFF setting sends a
NOTE: The master crossover point can be over- ridden with a custom crossover frequency for the front, center, surround, or surround back speakers in the ADVANCED SPEAKER SETUP menu; however, in most systems the single master crossover point should work well
These six lines allow you to override the mas- ter subwoofer level setting as determined on the TEST TONE menu (see below) for each specific surround mode. When going to the SUBWOOFER SETUP menu from the MAIN menu, the current surround mode is automati- cally highlighted. Use the +/– buttons to ad- just the subwoofer level for the current surround mode. The options are OFF (which turns off
the subwoofer for that mode) and a range of adjustments from
NOTE: Only the current surround mode can be adjusted on this menu. You will need to change surround modes using the front panel or remote buttons to adjust a different mode.
We recommend starting with the settings for all surround modes at the default 0dB setting during the test tone calibration of the system and for a period of familiarization after that. As you listen to a variety of source material over time, you may notice that certain surround modes consistently produce too much or too little bass from the subwoofer. If so, then use these menu settings to customize each surround mode. In general, if the master subwoofer level is set properly (i.e. not too loud), individual settings for each surround mode should not be necessary.
NOTE: In Dolby Digital and DTS recordings, the LFE channel is used to produce spectacu- lar low bass effects, placing considerable de- mands on your subwoofer system. If you hear distortion or other signs of distress from your subwoofer at loud listening levels, you may consider reducing the subwoofer level for the Dolby Digital and/or DTS surround modes. In other surround modes, there is no LFE chan- nel and the subwoofer will only reproduce redirected bass from the other channels, which is not as likely to tax the subwoofer.
To return to the MAIN menu, press the EN- TER button. Press the MENU/OSD button on the remote to cancel the display and return to normal operation.