Serial Communications
62 Runco CinemaWall SP Series Owner’s Operating Manual
CLMS01 43 4C 4D 53 30 31 Sets the ISF SETTING to ISF CCC.
FCA 46 43 41 Sets FAN SPEED to AUTO.
FDT 46 44 54 Executes FUNCTION RESET.
FCM 46 43 4D Sets FAN SPEED to MAX.
FMKS00 46 4D 4B 53 30 30 Sets the TEST PATTERN to OFF.
FMKS02 46 4D 4B 53 30 32 Sets the TEST PATTERN to INVERSE
(negative-positive inversion).
FMKS03 46 4D 4B 53 30 33 Turns ON the WHITE test pattern.
FMKS04 46 4D 4B 53 30 34 Turns ON the RED test pattern.
FMKS05 46 4D 4B 53 30 35 Turns ON the GREEN test pattern.
FMKS06 46 4D 4B 53 30 36 Turns ON the BLUE test pattern.
FMKS07 46 4D 4B 53 30 37 Turns ON the YELLOW test pattern.
FRCS00 46 52 43 53 30 30 Sets FRC to SCALER.
FRCS01 46 52 43 53 30 31 Sets FRC to NORMAL.
GSL 47 53 4C 000 255 Adjusts the GREEN sidebar level.
IDC 49 44 43 Clears the display ID number (resets to
“ALL”); for example, 01IDC.
IDS 49 44 53 Sets the display ID number; for exam-
ple, 01IDS sets the display ID to 01h.
Note: IDS only works if the display ID
number has been cleared (with IDC) or
has not been previously assigned.
IPRS01 49 50 52 53 30 31 Sets the DISPLAY PROFILE to NOR-
IPRS02 49 50 52 53 30 32 Sets the DISPLAY PROFILE to PURE.
IPRS03 49 50 52 53 30 33 Sets the DISPLAY PROFILE to MONO-
IPRS04 49 50 52 53 30 34 Sets the DISPLAY PROFILE to HIGH
LESS00 4C 45 53 53 30 30 Sets FRONT L.E.D. to OFF.
LESS01 4C 45 53 53 30 31 Sets FRONT L.E.D. to ON.
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)
Command Value Range
ASCII HEX Minimum Maximum
1. When making input-specific adjustments such as to image quality, screen position/size or audio
sub-volume, select the input you wish to affect before making such adjustments.
2. These settings are not stored in memory.