Controls and Functions
10 Runco VX-2i Owner’s Operating Manual
9. Aspect Ratio Selection Buttons
Use the red buttons to select an aspect ratio directly or to enter numeric characters,
as follows:
ANA (Anamorphic) (3)
For 16:9 DVDs.
4X3 (Standard 4:3) (6)
The input signal is scaled to fit 4:3 display mode in the center of the screen.
LETBOX (Letterbox) (9)
Image in letterbox format is enlarged to fit 16:9 full screen display and the upper/
lower portions are “blanked off.”
V-WIDE (VirtualWide)
4:3 image is enlarged NON-linearly in horizontal direction to fit 16:9 full screen display.
10. S-VID 1 (4) / S-VID 2 (5) (S-Video)
Press to select an S-Video input or to enter the numeric character “4” or “5.”
11. HD 1 (7) / HD 2 (8)
Press to select a HD (RGBHV or YPbPr component) input or to enter the numeric
character “7” or “8.”
12. DVI 1 / DVI 2 (0)
Press to select a Digital Video input. Press DVI2 to enter the numeric character “0.”