1-1. Product characteristics

￿Runs a very stable, embedded version of Linux operating system.

￿Stable file system recovery even after power supply is disconnected from a power outage.

￿Realized small file size and high video quality by applying the H.264.

￿Supports terra byte hard disk ( up to 1.5TB )

￿Supports e-SATA port to use additional external hard disk.

￿Real time recording

-Maximum of 480IPS@352 X 240 at NTSC

-Maximum of 400IPS@352 X 288 at PAL

￿Supports various recording resolutions and qualities.

-D1(704x480), Half D1(704x240), CIF(352x240) at NTSC

-D1(704x576), Half D1(704x288), CIF(352x288) at PAL

-5 stage recording qualities (Very high, high, normal, low, and very low).

￿Easy operation through various user interface and user friendly GUI system.

￿Realized powerful multi-function.

-Real time video display and recording, network transmission and back up can be performed simultaneously.

￿Easy search functions.

-Date/Time search (Calendar search), event search

￿Recording before event. (Can be 5 seconds).

￿Recording after event. (Can be only up 10 seconds).

￿The operating condition pre-check function according to the change in motion detection and movement detection

￿Can set recording quality and number of recording frames per seconds.

￿Powerful recording schedule management.

￿Complete synchronization of video/audio.

￿Easy software upgrading through USB storage device or network.

￿Maximum of 4 clients can be connected to 1 DVR at the same time.

￿Band width setting is automatically set depending on the network speed connected to this device.

￿Remote alarm notification via e-Mail.

￿PTZ (Pen/Tilt/Zoom) operation.

￿Remote control operation

￿Key board control operation (optional)

￿Supporting Daylight saving

￿Simultaneous output to VGA and BNC



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Samsung 16-8900 user manual Product characteristics