￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿!￿"￿#￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿$￿￿￿￿￿

Rangement et entretien du four à micro-ondes


Caractéristiques techniques

Pour le rangement ou le dépannage de votre four à micro-ondes, vous devez respecter quelques précautions simples.

N'utilisez pas le four si la porte ou ses joints sont endommagés :

Charnière cassée

Joints détériorés

Habillage déformé ou embouti

Seul un technicien spécialisé en micro-ondes est habilité à effectuer ces réparations.

Ne retirez JAMAIS l'habillage du four. Si le four est en panne ou nécessite une intervention technique :

débranchez-le de l'alimentation ;

appelez le service après-vente le plus proche.

Si vous souhaitez entreposer temporairement votre four, choisissez un endroit sec et non poussiéreux.

Pourquoi ? La poussière et l'humidité risquent de détériorer certains éléments du four.

SAMSUNG s'efforce sans cesse d'améliorer ses produits. Les caractéristiques et le mode d'emploi de ce produit peuvent être modifiés sans préavis.

Source d'alimentation

CA 230 V ~ 50 Hz





Puissance maximale

3100 W


1400 W

Gril (élément chauffant)

1300 W

Convection (élément chauffant)

1700 W maxi.



Puissance de sortie

100 W / 900 W - 6 niveaux (IEC-705)



Fréquence de fonctionnement

2450 MHz



Dimensions (l x P x H)



556 x 578 x 324 mm


375 x 392 x 251 mm




1,3 pied cube






24 kg env.





Page 37
Image 37
Samsung CE137NEM-X/XEF, CE137NEM-S/XEF manual Dimensions l x P x H

CE137NEM-X/XEF, CE137NEM-S/XEF specifications

The Samsung CE137NEM-S/XEF and CE137NEM-X/XEF are innovative microwave ovens designed to elevate the cooking experience with a blend of efficiency and advanced technology. These models have gained popularity for their sleek design and cutting-edge features, tailored for modern kitchens.

One of the standout characteristics of these Samsung microwaves is their powerful cooking capability, offering a microwave output of 800 watts. This ensures that food is cooked evenly and quickly, making meal preparation a breeze. With a capacity of 23 liters, the ovens provide ample space for various dish sizes, accommodating everything from small snacks to larger meals.

Both models are equipped with Samsung's exclusive Triple Distribution System. This technology enhances cooking consistency by distributing microwaves across the interior more evenly than traditional microwaves. As a result, users can enjoy perfectly cooked meals without hot or cold spots.

Ease of use is another key advantage of these models. The Samsung CE137NEM-S/XEF and CE137NEM-X/XEF feature a simple control panel with intuitive buttons, allowing for effortless programming of cooking times and settings. Additionally, the presence of auto-cook menus simplifies meal preparation, enabling users to select preset options for common dishes, thereby taking the guesswork out of cooking.

Another prominent feature is the eco mode, which significantly reduces the energy consumption of the microwave when it's not in use. This aligns with growing environmental concerns and offers a more sustainable choice for consumers who are eco-conscious.

The design of these microwaves is equally appealing, with a stylish exterior that fits seamlessly into any kitchen decor. The ceramic enamel interior is not only easy to clean but also contributes to the hygienic quality of the microwave, resisting bacteria and odors.

Furthermore, safety features such as child lock functions are integrated to prevent accidental use while ensuring peace of mind for families with young children.

In conclusion, the Samsung CE137NEM-S/XEF and CE137NEM-X/XEF models are an exemplary combination of style, technology, and convenience. Their powerful cooking performance, innovative features, and user-friendly design make them a perfect addition to any modern kitchen. With these microwaves, preparing delicious meals becomes simpler and more enjoyable than ever before.