Quick reference

Taking photos of people

￿￿s mode > Portrait, Children ￿ 27

￿￿b mode ￿ 29

￿￿Red-eye, Red-eye Fix (to prevent or correct red-eye) ￿ 38

￿￿Face Detection ￿ 42

Taking photos at night or in the dark

￿￿s mode > Night, Dawn, Firework ￿ 27

￿￿Flash options ￿ 38

￿￿ISO speed (to adjust the sensitivity to light) ￿ 39

Taking action photos

￿￿Continuous, Motion Capture ￿ 48

Taking photos of text, insects, or flowers

￿￿s mode > Close Up, Text ￿ 27

￿￿Macro, Auto Macro (to take close-up photos) ￿ 40

￿￿White balance (to change the colour tone) ￿ 46

Adjusting the exposure (brightness)

￿￿ISO speed (to adjust the sensitivity to light) ￿ 39

￿￿EV (to adjust exposure) ￿ 45

￿￿ACB (to compensate for subjects against bright backgrounds) ￿ 45

￿￿Metering ￿ 46

￿￿AEB (to take three photos of the same scene with different exposures) ￿ 48

Applying a different effect

￿￿Photo styles (to apply tones) ￿ 49

￿￿Image adjustment (to adjust saturation, sharpness, or contrast) ￿ 50

Reducing camera shake

￿￿Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS) ￿ 21 ￿ dmode ￿ 30

￿￿Viewing files by category in Smart Album ￿ 53

￿￿Deleting all files on the memory card ￿ 54

￿￿Viewing files as a slide show


￿￿Viewing files on a TV or HDTV


￿￿Connecting your camera to a computer ￿ 65

￿￿Adjusting sound and volume


￿￿Adjusting the brightness of the display ￿ 74

￿￿Changing the display language ￿ 74

￿￿Setting the date and time


￿￿Formatting the memory card


￿￿Troubleshooting ￿ 83