Hancom Viewer
Hancom Office Viewer opens and manages Hancom Office
Hanword (*.hwp) and Hanshow (*.show) documents.
To uc h Hancom Viewer.
Google Hangouts is an online place to meet friends and
family, share photos, and host video calls.
Visit google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts to learn more.
Note: This app requires a Google Account.
To uc h Hangouts.
Access help information to learn how to use the device and
applications or configure important settings.
To uch Help.
Find your current location, get directions and traffic reports,
discover local businesses and attractions, and much more.
Visit google.com/maps/about/explore/mobile to learn more.
Important! Google Maps requires an active data network or
Wi-Fi connection. Some features require that one
or more location services be enabled. For more
information, refer to “Location” on page 95.
To uch Maps.