Mục lục
Điều chinh màn hinh
Picture Mode | 42 |
Backlight / Contrast / Brightness / |
Sharpness / Colour / Tint (G/R) | 43 |
Colour Temperature | 44 |
White Balance | 45 |
2 Point | 45 |
20 Point Settings | 45 |
Gamma | 46 |
HLG / ST.2084 / BT.1886 | 46 |
Calibrated value | 46 |
Advanced Settings | 47 |
Contrast Enhancer | 47 |
Black Tone | 47 |
Flesh Tone | 47 |
RGB Only Mode | 47 |
Colour Space Settings | 48 |
HDMI UHD Color | 48 |
Motion Lighting | 48 |
HDR+ Mode | 48 |
Picture Options | 49 |
Colour Tone | 49 |
Digital Clean View | 49 |
HDMI Black Level | 50 |
Film Mode | 50 |
Dynamic Backlight | 50 |
Picture Size Settings | 51 |
Picture Size | 51 |
Fit to screen | 51 |
Zoom and Position | 51 |
Reset Picture | 52 |
OnScreen Display
Screen Protection | 53 |
Auto Protection Time | 53 |
Screen Burn Protection | 53 |
Message Display | 56 |
Source Info | 56 |
MDC Message | 56 |
Language | 57 |
Reset OnScreen Display | 57 |
Điều chinh âm thanh
Sound Mode | 58 |
Balance | 59 |
Equaliser | 59 |
HDMI Sound | 59 |
Sound Output | 59 |
Auto Volume | 60 |
Reset Sound | 60 |
Network Status | 61 |
Open Network Settings | 61 |
Network Type | 61 |
Cà̀i đặ̣t mạng (Có́ dây) | 62 |
Cà̀i đặ̣t mạng (Không dây) | 64 |
Use WPS | 66 |
Server Network Settings | 66 |
Proxy server | 66 |
Device Name | 66 |
Whiteboard Manager | 67 |
Start from Home | 67 |
Reset Interval | 67 |
Samba | 68 |
68 | |
USB Lock | 68 |
Network Lock | 68 |
Accessibility | 69 |
High Contrast | 69 |
Enlarge | 69 |
Start Setup | 69 |
Time | 70 |
Clock Set | 70 |
DST | 70 |