11.2 Storage
(a)Do not leave the Module in high temperature, and high humidity for a long time. It is highly recommended to store the Module with temperature from 0 to 35℃ and relative humidity of less than 70%.
(b)Do not store the
(c)The Module should be stored in a dark place. It is prohibited to apply sunlight or fluorescent light in storing.
11.3 Operation
(a)Do not connect or disconnect the Module in the "Power On" condition.
(b)Power supply should always be turned on/off by the "Power on/off sequence"
(c)Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference should be done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimize the interference.
(d)The cable between the back light connector and its inverter power supply should
be connected directly with a minimized length. A longer cable between
the back light and the inverter may cause lower luminance of lamp(CCFT) and may require higher startup voltage(Vs).
11.4Operation Condition Guide
(a)The LCD product should be operated under normal conditions. Normal condition is defined as below;
-Temperature : 20±15℃
-Humidity : 55±20%
-Display pattern : continually changing pattern (Not stationary)
(b)If the product will be used in extreme conditions such as high temperature, humidity, display patterns or operation time etc.., It is strongly recommended to contact SEC for Application engineering advice. Otherwise, its reliability and function may not be guaranteed. Extreme conditions are commonly found at Airports, Transit Stations, Banks, Stock market, and Controlling systems.
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