Canceling the Timer

After having set the timer, it will start automatically as shown by the TIMER indication on the display. If you no longer wish to use the timer, you must cancel it.

To cancel the timer, press TIMER

ON/OFF once.

is no longer displayed.

To resume the timer, press TIMER

ON/OFF again.

is displayed again.


You can cancel the timer while the power is on or while the player is in standby.

Power Sound/Power Bass ENG Function


Your micro-compact system is equipped with the function of POWER SOUND mode .

The function of POWER SOUND mode amplifies bass and improves high key or bass twice as much for you to appreciate powerful real sound.

Press the P.SOUND button.

When CD Ripping,the P.SOUND function



can’t work and the P.SOUND automatically


covert to “OFF” mode.

Result: “P.SOUND” is displayed for a few seconds.

To cancel this function, press P.SOUND again, “OFF” is displayed for a few seconds.


Your micro-compact system has a bass amplification function called Power Bass.This function makes the sound more powerful and real.

Press the P.BASS button.

Result:P,BASS” is displayed for a few seconds.

To cancel this function, press P.BASS again, “OFF” is displayed for a few seconds.

When CD Ripping,the P.BASS function can’t work and the P.BASS

automatically covert to “OFF” mode.