Samsung RF4289HAR user manual How to use the Grocery Manager

Models: RF4289HAR

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How to use the Grocery Manager

1.Select the [Grocery Manager] button on the Home screen.

All food items are displayed as icons in their stored locations within the refrigerator image on the left. They are also listed on the right side of the screen.


2.Select a storage section in the refrigerator image to display the food stored in that section on the right side of screen. Select the storage section again (deselect it) to list all the food items stored in the refrigerator on the right side of the screen.

3.Select one of the stored food icons on the right side of the screen to identify where it is located in the refrigerator. The purchase and expiration dates of the item will also be displayed.

An expiration date can be set up to 999 days.

You cannot modify the purchase date and expiration date of the food in the Grocery Manager screen.

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Samsung RF4289HAR user manual How to use the Grocery Manager