Samsung RF4289HAR user manual How to copy photos from Picasa Web Album to My Album, Public Photos

Models: RF4289HAR

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Larger photo sizes will take longer to upload.

The wireless network is used to transmit photos from the DLNA device. The transmission may not always work properly depending on the network conditions.

When you select a photo, its detail information will appear.

How to copy photos from Picasa Web Album to My Album.

[Public Photos]

You can download and store public photos from Google Picasa Web Album.

• This function is only available when the refrigerator is connected to your wireless network (Wi-Fi).

1.Select the [Photos] button on the Home screen.


2.Select [Picasa Web Album] in the Photos list.

3.Select the photo you want to save to My Album.

3.To store multiple photos, select the [Multi Select] button.

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Samsung RF4289HAR user manual How to copy photos from Picasa Web Album to My Album, Public Photos