Samsung RF4289HAR user manual Volume, Timezone

Models: RF4289HAR

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Lets you control the volume of the alert sounds.

1.Press the button in the right bottom corner of the Settings list.

2.Select [Volume] in the Settings list.

3.Select a volume level button to change the alert sound level.

4.Press the [Save] button to set the new volume level.

An alert sounds whenever a button is touched or a message window or menu list appears.


You must select your time zone to use Google Calendar and the Twitter service correctly. To select your time zone, follow these steps:

1.Press the button in the right bottom corner of the Settings list. The Time Zone Setting screen appears.

2.Select [Timezone] in the Settings list.

3.To save the new time zone, press the [Save] button.

The Time Zone Setting screen may appear again automatically after a software update.

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Samsung RF4289HAR user manual Volume, Timezone