Samsung RF4289HAR user manual Twitter, How to show the twitter

Models: RF4289HAR

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This function is only available when the refrigerator is connected to your wireless network (Wi-Fi).

You can’t write a tweet while using this function.

How to show the twitter.

1.Select the [Twitter] button on the Home screen.


2.Select the Email input box. Enter your twitter account ID using the on-screen keyboard. Select the Password input box. Enter your twitter password using the on-screen keyboard.

3.Press the [Sign in] button.

If you do not have a twitter account, you can create one at

In the Email section, enter your Twitter account ID, for example,

If you select the ‘Stay signed in’ check box, you do not need to log in each time to enter the Twitter menu.

• If the system time is not set exactly, login may fail.

If login fails, set the current time correctly at Settings

Time/Date, and then retry.

4.The Tweet list screen appears. This page displays your following tweetters up-to-date information including their photos, comment previews and listed dates.

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Samsung RF4289HAR user manual How to show the twitter, Select the Twitter button on the Home screen 02operating