Call functions
Phone number: Check your phone number.
Voice mail number: When you insert your SIM card into your device, the device automatically detects and sets your voicemail access number by default. If not, you can manually enter the number obtained from your service provider.
Text messages service center: When you insert your SIM card into your device, the device automatically detects and sets your SMS access number by default. If not, you can manually enter the number obtained from your service provider.
Country code: You can enter a country code. The code will be automatically added before a phone number when dialling.
Area code: You can enter an area code. The code will be automatically added before a phone number when dialling.
•Caller ID: When you place a call, your phone number can be displayed to or hidden from the person to whom you are calling. Using this option, you can enable or disable the display of your caller identification.
•Channels: This option allows you to set the cell broadcast (CB) message receipt and set up broadcast channels from which you want to receive CB messages.
Enable channels: Select to enable the receipt of CB messages.
Receive channel list: Select to receive a list of all available broadcast channels from the network.
Language: Select your preferred languages to display CB messages.