Message, Internet, and Messenger

Setting the WAP options

Display options

You can select the following display options:

Graphics can be hidden or displayed when you read a WAP page.

The contents of the web page can be fit to screen.

To enable graphics contents in your browser skin, on the WAP screen, tap View Display, and check Images.

To wrap the contents within the width of the screen, on the WAP screen, tap View Display, and check Fit To Screen. You have to refresh the screen after selecting this option.


WAP provides statistical information about the data transfer over the web server. To view the statistical information, on the WAP screen, tap View Statistics.

The information about the pages viewed, objects fetched, the number of bytes sent and received, and the average page size are displayed.

You can also view the statistical information as a chart in the Chart tab.


You can choose the connection profile. On the WAP screen, tap Tools Connections.