Synchronising information

Select Sync with this PC during manual sync if you want the device to sync with this PC every time you sync manually.

4.Tap Options....

5.Select the connection type to be used when the phone is on the desktop charger.

6.When finished, tap .

7.Set up a work connection.

8.Start synchronising your Pocket PC Phone with the PC.

Note: For more information on the conditions that must be met on the PC and to change synchronisation options, see ActiveSync Help on the PC.

Setting server synchronisation

You can synchronise information automatically as items arrive only if your company is running Microsoft Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync.

Note: You can also set up a connection to synchronise remotely with a server when you first create a partnership between your mobile device and your PC.

1.In ActiveSync on your Pocket PC Phone, tap Tools Options... Server tab.