
Setting wallpaper and ringtones

Setting wallpaper

Set an image or photo stored in the device as wallpaper for the Classic Home screen or the locked screen.

1 On the Classic Home screen, tap and hold an empty area, and then tap Wallpapers. Alternatively, open the Apps screen, tap Settings Device Wallpaper.




Select a screen to change or apply wallpaper to.

Scroll left or right and select from images displayed at the bottom of the screen. To select photos taken by the device’s camera or other images, tap More images.

Tap Set wallpaper or Done.

Changing ringtones

Change ringtones for incoming calls and notifications. On the Apps screen, tap Settings Device Sound.

To set a ringtone for incoming calls, tap Ringtones, select a ringtone, and then tap OK. To use a song stored in the device or in your account as a ringtone, tap Add.

To set a ringtone for notifications, tap Notifications, select a ringtone, and then tap OK.