Signature Settings

Add signature: Create a signature at the end of your outgoing text messages.

Signature text: Enter a desired signature for your message.

Text Message (SMS) Settings

Delivery reports: Set the the network to inform you whether or not your message was delivered.

Manage SIM card messages: Manage the messages stored on the SIM card.

Message center: Enter the number of your message center where your messages reside while the system is attempting to deliver them.

Input mode: Set the input mode for your text messages. Choose

from: GSM Alphabet, Unicode, or Automatic.

Multimedia Message (MMS) Settings

Group messaging: Send a single message to multiple recipients.

Delivery reports: Set the network to inform you whether or not your message was delivered.

Read reports: Your device receives a request for a read reply along with your message to the recipient.

Auto retrieve: Set the message system to automatically retrieve messages.

Roaming auto retrieve: Set the message system to automatically retrieve while roaming.

Creation mode: Select the creation mode: Free, Restricted, or Warning.

Restricted: Only create and submit messages with content belonging to the Core MM Content Domain.

Warning: Be warned via pop up messages that you are creating a multimedia message which does not fit the Core MM Content Domain.

Free: Allow the addition of any content to the message.

MMS alert: Be warned when the messaging modes changes from an SMS (text) to MMS (multimedia) mode.

Messaging 59

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Samsung SMT217TMKATMB, Tab3 Signature Settings, Text Message SMS Settings, From GSM Alphabet, Unicode, or Automatic