White text on black background (high contrast)

Settings General Accessibility High Contrast

You can change major service screens to white text on a black background or change the transparent TV menus to opaque so that text can be more easily read. To activate this function, set High Contrast to On.

Enlarging the font (for the visually impaired)

Settings General Accessibility Enlarge

You can enlarge the size of the font on the screen. To activate this function, set Enlarge to On.

Learning about the remote control (for the visually impaired)

Settings General Accessibility Learn TV Remote

This function helps individuals with a visual impairment to learn the positions of the buttons on the remote control. When this function is activated, you can press a button on the remote control and the TV will tell you its name. To

return to the previous screen, press the button twice. To exit, press and hold the button.

"" This function is only available when Voice Guide is enabled.

Learning about the TV menu

Settings General Accessibility Menu Learning Screen

Learn the menus on the TV screen. Once enabled, your TV will tell you the structure and features of the menus you select.

Listening to the TV through Bluetooth devices (for the hearing impaired)

Settings General Accessibility Multi-output Audio

You can turn on both the TV speaker and Bluetooth devices at the same time. When this function is active, you can set the volume of the Bluetooth devices higher than the volume of the TV speaker.

"" This function is not available on certain models in specific geographical areas.

"" When you connect Bluetooth devices to the TV, Multi-output Audio is activated. For more information about connecting Bluetooth devices to the TV, refer to "Listening to the TV through Bluetooth devices."

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