Moving apps

You can move apps to a desired location on the My Apps category.

Select Options Move My Apps on the Apps screen. Select an app to move. The 4 directional arrows appear around the app. Move the app to the desired location with the on-screen directional arrows, and then press the Enter button.

"" This function is not available on certain models in specific geographical areas.

Locking and unlocking apps

Select Options Lock/Unlock My Apps on the Apps screen. The password input screen appears. Enter your password, select apps to lock or unlock, and then select Save. All selected apps are locked or unlocked.

Updating apps

Select Options Update Apps on the Apps screen. The TV searches for the app updates, and then displays a list. You can update some apps or all apps.

Rearranging apps

Select Options on the Apps screen, and then select Sort By to sort the apps by date, time or others.

Rating purchased apps

You can set the star score by using the or button on the detailed information screen.

Using other app features and functions

menu More Smart Hub Auto-Start Settings Channel-bound Apps & Ticker

You can configure additional app features and functions.

Using channel bound apps

You can receive the information on TV programmes and other relevant services while viewing TV by using an app installed on the TV and linked to a specific channel.

"" This function is only available when an app supporting Channel-bound Apps & Ticker is installed on the TV.