Xizmat ko‘rsatish

Smart Check

Bu funksiyani yoqish uchun avval Play Store yoki Apple Store-da Samsung Smart Washer-ni yuklab olib, kamerasi bor mobil qurilmaga o’rnating.

Smart Check funksiyasi quyidagilar uchun optimallashtirilgan: Galaxy va iPhone seriyalari (Faqat qo’llaniladigan modellar).

1.Mashina tekshirilishi kerak bo‘lgan biror muammoni aniqlaganda, displeyda axborot kodi ko‘rinadi. Aqlli tekshirish rejimiga kirish uchun Полоскание (Chayish) va Отжим (Siqish) tugmalarini bir vatqda 3 soniya bosib turing.

2.Kir yuvish mashinasi o’zini o'zi tekshiradi, agar muammo topilsa, xato kodini ko’rsatadi.

3.Mobil qurilmangizda Samsung Smart Washer ilovasini ishga tushiring va Smart Check tugmasini bosing.

4.Mobil qurilmani kir yuvish mashinasining ekraniga yaqin olib boring, bunda mobil qurilma bilan kir yuvish mashinasi yuzma-yuz holatda bo'lishi lozim. So'ng xato kodi avtomatik ravishda ilova tomonidan aniqlanadi.

5.Xato kodi to’g’ri aniqlanganida, ilova xato haqida batafsil ma’lumot va uni bartaraf etish choralarini ko’rsatadi.


Funksiya nomi uchun, Smart Check, tilga qarab farq qilishi mumkin.

Agar kir yuvish mashinasi ekranida yorug'lik akslansa, ilova xato kodini aniqlay olmasligi mumkin.

Agar ilova Smart Check kodini ketma-ket aniqlay olmasa, xato kodini ilova ekraniga qo'lda kiriting.

Xizmat ko‘rsatish

46  O‘zbekcha

WW90M74LNOA_DC68-03889Q_UZ.indd 46

2018/2/6 18:55:20

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Samsung WW90M74LNOA/LP, WW90M74LNOO/LP manual Xizmat ko‘rsatish

WW90M74LNOO/LP, WW90M74LNOA/LP specifications

The Samsung WW90M74LNOA/LP and WW90M74LNOO/LP are cutting-edge washing machines designed to meet the modern laundry needs of households. Combining innovative technology with user-friendly features, these models offer exceptional performance and efficiency.

One of the standout technologies in these models is Samsung’s EcoBubble technology. This feature allows the washing machine to generate bubbles that help dissolve detergent more effectively, ensuring it penetrates fabrics quickly and thoroughly. This not only enhances the cleaning performance but also allows for effective washing at lower temperatures, which can save energy and protect delicate items from heat damage.

Both these washing machines come equipped with a generous 9 kg capacity, making them ideal for families or individuals with larger laundry loads. The drum design is also optimized for thorough and gentle cleaning. Samsung’s Diamond Drum is specifically designed with small water holes to prevent fabric damage while ensuring a powerful wash.

Another notable characteristic is the 1400 RPM spin speed, which effectively reduces drying time by extracting more water from clothes at the end of the wash cycle. This is particularly beneficial for users who want to minimize their overall laundry time.

Convenience features such as the Smart Check function make these models user-friendly. This technology allows users to diagnose and troubleshoot issues via a smartphone app, ensuring quick resolutions without the need for professional service calls.

The machines include a variety of wash programs tailored to different fabric types, ensuring that every garment receives the care it needs. The bubble soak option is especially useful for tackling tough stains by soaking clothes in bubble-infused water.

Samsung has also focused on energy efficiency, with these washing machines boasting an A+++ rating. This means they consume less electricity compared to other models, making them an environmentally friendly option.

With a sleek design and a user-friendly LED display, the WW90M74LNOA/LP and WW90M74LNOO/LP not only perform exceptionally but also complement modern home aesthetics. Additional features like noise reduction technology ensure quiet operation, making them suitable for homes where noise may be a concern.

In summary, the Samsung WW90M74LNOA/LP and WW90M74LNOO/LP deliver a powerful, efficient, and user-friendly laundry experience, combining advanced washing technology with practical features for everyday use. These machines stand out as reliable options for tackling a variety of laundry needs while being conscious of energy consumption.