Answering calls
Your Sprint PCS Phone must be turned on before you can receive calls. When your phone rings (“Call From: caller’s name” displays if the caller’s name and number are stored in your phone’s Internal
Phone Book, and the red light flashes), press TALK (or OK ) to answer. You can also answer by pressing any key (other than
this, you have to turn the Any Key Answer function on (See page 57).
To disconnect the call when you’re through, press END .
Where you can use your phone
Your Sprint PCS Phone is
In any city where Sprint PCS provides service
On other CDMA networks and conventional analog cellular networks where Sprint PCS has implemented roaming agreements.
When you use your phone outside the digital Sprint PCS Nationwide Network, it’s called roaming.
If you’re in an area where Sprint PCS has implemented roaming with CDMA or conventional analog cellular providers, you will pay the roaming rate plus