The Sprint PCS Wireless Web Browser
Your Sprint PCS Phone comes equipped with a MiniBrowser
which makes it possible to use the Sprint PCS Wireless Web
Browser Service.
The Sprint PCS Wireless Web Browser allows you to access
information such as stock quotes, sport scores, weather and news
via the Sprint PCS Wireless Web. Browsing the wireless web via
your Sprint PCS Phone is not like using your home computer.
Internet Site providers have selected only the critical aspects of
their site to present to wireless phone users, and have removed the
Each time you make a call using your MiniBrowser, your phone
connects to the Sprint PCS Nationwide Network and you will be
billed accordingly. Rates will vary according to your service plan.
The MiniBrowser will end the connection after a certain period of
network inactivity and will automatically re-connect as necessary.
For this reason, you may find that you are billed for several small
network connections within a single Sprint PCS Wireless Web
Browser session. This is normal.