UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide12

Syntax examples

A command that supports multiple options:
user [-an <admin name>] [-ap <admin password>]
In this example, the user command accepts the option -an, which defines the Administrator user name, and
the option -ap, which defines the Administrator password. To change the Administrator user name and
password to XYZ:
1. Type the user command, one option, and the argument XYZ:
user -ap XYZ
2. After the first command succeeds, type th e user command, the second option, and the argument XYZ:
user -an XYZ
A command that accepts mutually exclusive arguments for an option:
alarmcount -p [all | warning | critical]
In this example, the option -p accepts only three arguments: all, warning, or critical. For example, to
view the number of active critical alarms, type:
alarmcount -p critical
The command will fail if you type an argument that is not specified.
Command Response Codes
The command response codes enable scripted operations to detect error conditions reliably without having to
match error message text.
The CLI reports all command operations with th e following format:
E [0–9][0–9][0–9]: Error message
Code Error message
E000 Success
E001 Successfully Issued
E002 Reboot required for change
to take effect
E100 Command failed
E101 Command not found
E102 Parameter Error
E103 Command Line Error
E104 User Level Denial
E105 Command Prefill
E106 Data Not Available
E107 Serial communication with the
UPS has been lost