UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide14
Example: To use a DHCP server to obtain network settings:
1. Type boot -b dhcp
2. Enable the requirement that the DHCP server provide the APC cookie:
boot -c enable
cdAccess: Administrator, Device User
Description: Navigate to a folder in the directory structure of the NMC.
Example 1: To change to the ssh folder and confirm that an SSH security certificate was uploaded to the
1. Type cd ssh and press ENTER.
2. Type dir and press ENTER to list the files stored in the SSH folder.
Example 2: To return to the main directory folder, type:
cd ..
cfgshutdnAccess: Administrator only, Device User
Description: Configure the shutdown parameters: this enables you to show and configure UPS Shutdown
Delay, UPS Return Delay, UPS Low Battery Duration, UPS Sleep Time, and UPS Min Return Runtime.
These options are not available with al l U PS devices.
cfgpowerAccess: Administrator only, Device User
Option Argument Description
-all Show all applicable shutdown parameters for this UPS.
-sd 000 | 090 | 180 |
270 | 360 | 450 |
540 | 630 Set the shutdown delay in seconds.
-lo 02 | 05 | 08 | 11 | 14
| 17 | 20 | 23 Set the low battery duration in minutes.
-rd 000 | 060 | 120 |
180 | 240 | 300 |
360 | 420
Set the UPS return delay in seconds, that is, the delay time before the UPS
turns on again.
-rrt 0–3600 Set the minimum return runtime in seconds, that is, the battery runtime to
support the load must reach this value before the UPS turns on again.
-sl 0.0–359.9 Set the sleep time, in hours. The argument can have any number between 0.0
and 359.9.
-rsc 00 | 15 | 30 | 45 | 60
| 75 | 90 Set the minimum battery charge, as a percentage of the total capacity.