UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide24
Off | DelayOff | On |
DelayOn | Reboot |
Shutdown |
DelayShutdown |
Control any of three outlet groups at a Smart-UPS XLM. Specify the
outlet group with #. For information about outlet groups, see “What are
Outlet Groups?” on page36.
When the state of the outlet group is on, the option accepts three
Off — Turn off the group immediately.
DelayOff — Turn off the group after the number of seconds
configured as Power Off Delay.
Reboot — Turn off the group immediately, then turn it on after the
number of seconds configured as Reboot Duration and Power On
DelayReboot — Turn the outlet group off after the number of
seconds configured as Power Off Delay, then turn it on after the
number of seconds configured as Reboot Duration and Power On
Shutdown — If the UPS is online, this reboots the outlet group. If the
UPS is on battery, this shuts down the group and waits for AC utility
power before turning on the group again.
DelayShutdown — Shut down the outlet group after the number of
seconds configured as Power Off Delay.
Cancel — Cancel your previous commands, e.g. turning off.
When the state of the outlet group is off, the option accepts two
On — Turn on the group immediately.
DelayOn — Turn on the group after the number of seconds configured
as Power On Delay.
The Power On Delay, Power Off Delay, and Reboot Duration must be
configured at the user interface. See “The outlet groups option (including
automatic load-shedding)” on page37 for more information.
View the status (on, off, or rebooting) of all the outl et groups. To view the
status of a specific outlet group, specify its number. For example, type
ups -os1 to view the status of outlet group 1, see note below.
Note:When you use this option on a UPS with a main outlet group:
1 identifies the main outlet group, 2 identifies Switched Outlet Group 1, 3
identifies Switched Outlet Group 2, etc.
On a UPS with NO main outlet group:
1 identifies Switched Outlet Group 1, etc.
-st View the status of the UPS.
-a start Test the UPS audible alarm.
Option Arguments Description