UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide36
• For some UPS models, when the state of the outlet group is on and the UPS is on battery:
–Shutdown Immediately, AC Restart: Turn off the group immediately. After the number of
seconds configured as Reboot Duration and Power On Delay, check that AC utility power has
returned and the UPS can support the minimum return runtime demand, then turn on the grou p.
–Shutdown with Delay, AC Restart: Turn off the group after the number of seconds configured
as Power Off Delay. After the number of seconds configured as Reboot Duration and Power
On Delay, check that AC utility power has returned and the UPS can sup port t he mini mum ret urn
runtime demand, then turn on the group.
After you select an action, click Next>> to view a detailed description of the action, including the duration of
any delays. Click Apply to commence the action.
Configuration PagesConfigure your shutdowns, your upper and lower limit power settings, your Switched Outlet groups (if
relevant) and other parameters with these menu options.
Path: UPS > Configuration
This page is not available for all UPS devices.
What are Outlet Groups?
Outlet grouping is available on some UPS models only. To determine whether your UPS model
supports outlet groups, see your UPS documentation.
The available settings differ based on the UPS model. For detailed information about fields and
values specific to your UPS model, see the online help.
Main outlet groups . Some UPS models provide AC power to one Main Outlet group. The Main Outlet
group controls the distribution of power to all Switched Outlet groups for the UPS.
• If the Main Outlet group is off, the Switched Outlet groups cannot be turned on.
• If you turn off the Main Outlet group, the UPS turns off the Swi tc hed Outlet groups first, then turns off
the Main Outlet group.
• To turn on a Switched Outlet group, the UPS must turn on the Main Outlet group first, and then turn on
the Switched Outlet group.
Switched outlet groups . Some UPS models provide power to Switched Outlet groups. Each group can
perform actions independently of the other groups. By controlling each outlet group remotely, you can start or
stop models sequentially and also restart locked models.
The way outlet groups turn on and off depends on their configuration and how you turn the UPS on or off:
• Before you configure the delays for actions described in “Actions (for a single UPS and Synchronized
Control Groups)” and “Sequencing settings”, when you turn on t he UPS output , any ou tlet group that is
off turns on by default and applies power to all models attached to the outlets in that group.
• After you configure the actions and delays, they control how outlet groups turn on and off when you
turn the UPS on or off from the user interface of the NMC or the display interface at the UPS.