55UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide
• Time Offset (option 2): The offset of the NMC's subnet, in seconds, from Coordinated Universal Time
• Domain Name Server (option 6): Up to two Domain Name System (DNS ) servers (primary and
secondary) that the NMC can use.
• Host Name (option 12): The host name that the NMC will use (32-character maximum length).
• Domain Name (option 15): The domain name that the NMC will use (64-character maximum length).
• Boot File Name (from the file field of the DHCP response, described in RFC2131): The fully qualifie d
directory-path to a user configuration file (.ini file) to download. The siaddr field of the DHCP
response specifies the IP address of the server from which the NMC will download the .ini file. After
the download, the NMC uses the .ini file as a boot file to reconfigure its settings.
TCP/IP settings for IPv6
Path: Administration > Network > TCP/IP > IPv6 settings
See the user interface online help for detail s on the options: Manual, Auto Configuration, DHCPv6 Mode.
Ping ResponsePath: Administration > Network > Ping Response
Select the Enable check box for IPv4 Ping Response to allow the Network Management Card 2 to respond to
network pings. Clear the check box to disable an NMC response. This does not apply to IPv6.
Port Speed Path: Administration > Network > Port Speed
The Port Speed setting defines the communication speed of the TCP/IP port.
• For Auto-negotiation (the default), Ethernet devices negotiate to transmit at the highest possible
speed, but if the supported speeds of two devices are unmatched, the slower speed is used.
• Alternatively, you can choose 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, each with the option of half-duplex
(communication in only one direction at a time) or full-duplex (communication in both directions on
the same channel simultaneously).
DNS Path: Administration > Network > DNS > options
Use the options under DNS on the left navigation menu to configure and test the Domai n Name Sys tem (DNS) :
• Select Primary DNS Server or Secondary DNS Server to specify the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the
primary and optional secondary DNS server. For the NMC to send e-mail, you must at least define the
IP address of the primary DNS server.
NMC waits up to 15 seconds for a response from the primary DNS server or the secondary
DNS server (if a secondary DNS server is specified). If the NMC does not receive a response