69UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide

Daylight saving

Path: Administration > General > Date & Time > daylight saving
Enable traditional United States Daylight Saving Time (DST), or enable and configure a customized daylight
saving time to match how Daylight Saving Time is implemented in your local area. DST is disabled by default.
When customizing Daylight Saving Time (DST):
If the local DST always starts or ends on the fourth occurrence of a specific weekday of a month (e.g,
the fourth Sunday), choose Fourth/Last. If a fifth Sunday occurs in that month in a subsequent year,
the time setting still changes on the fourth Sunday.
If the local DST always starts or ends on the last occurrence of a sp ecific weekday of a month, whethe r
it is the fourth or the fifth occurrence, choose Fifth/Last.


Path: Administration > General > Date & Time > date format
Select the numerical format in which to display all dates in this user interface. In the selections, each letter m
(for month), d (for day), and y (for year) represents one digit. Single-digit days and months are displayed with
a leading zero.
Use an .ini File
Path: Administration > General > User Config File
Use the settings from one NMC to configure another. Retrieve the config.ini file from the configured NMC,
customize that file (e.g., to change the IP a dd ress), and upload the customized file to the new NMC. The file
name can be up to 64 characters, and must have the.ini suffix.
To retrieve and customize the file of a configured NMC, see “How to Export Configuration
Settings” on page73.
Instead of uploading the file to one NMC, you can export the file to multipl e NMCs by using an FTP
or SCP script or a batch file and the .ini file utility, available from www.apc.com/tools/download.
Status Reports the progress of the upload. The upload succeeds even if the file contains errors, but a
system event reports the errors in the event log.
Upload Browse to the customized file and upload it so that the current NMC can use it to set its own