890 USE 103 00

VEntry 02 is an example of routing through a Bridge Plus to a programmable controller at node address ￿4 on a second network. ￿inding a match for Modbus address ￿82￿ the BM85 applies the routing path 20￿ ￿4￿ 0￿ 0￿ 0 to the message. It will be sent to node 20 on the current Modbus Plus network￿ a Bridge Plus. It will be routed through the bridge to node ￿4 on the second network.

VEntry 03 shows how the type of device at the destination can determine the routing of a message. ￿inding a match for Modbus address 27￿ the BM85 applies the routing path 20￿ 22￿ 5￿ 0￿ 0 to the message. The message is sent to node 20 on the current network￿ a Bridge Plus. The message is routed through the bridge to node 22 on the next network. The type of device at node 22 determines how further routing is applied. If node 22 is another Bridge Plus￿ the message is routed to node 5 on a third network. .If node 22 is an SA85 or SM85 Network Adapter￿ the message is accepted by the adapter and posted to application task 5 running in the adapter.

VEntry 04 shows routing to a single slave device on another port of the same BM85. ￿inding a match for Modbus address 33￿ the BM85 will apply the routing path 0￿ 3￿ 0￿ 0￿ 0 to the message. The zero in the first byte specifies internal routing to another Modbus port. The second byte specifies port 3. Port 3 must have only a single slave device connected￿ as the remaining bytes are zeros.

VEntry 05 shows routing to a networked slave device on another port of the same BM85. If the Modbus message contains an address of ￿25￿ the routing path 0￿ 4￿ 99￿ 0￿ 0 is applied. The zero in the first byte specifies internal routing to another Modbus port. The second byte specifies port 4. The third byte specifies slave device address 99 on the network at that port. The remaining bytes must contain zeros.

If a Match is Not Found

If an address match is not found in the table￿ the Modbus address in the message will be converted by the BM85 into a routing path using the methods described below. The resulting path can be either to the Modbus Plus network￿ or to a single slave device connected to another Modbus port of the Bridge Multiplexer.

VAddress Range 1 ... 64 If the message contains an address in the range ￿ ... 64 decimal￿ it will be sent to the Modbus Plus node at that address on the local Modbus Plus network.

￿or example￿ if the message contains Modbus address 8￿ it will be sent to the Modbus Plus device at node 8.

Configuring the Modbus Models


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Schneider Electric BM85 manual If a Match is Not Found