4.3 Overview of the Development Software
This overview of the M8 Program Development Software Tool Kit is provided to assist your planning. xamples are shown for the orland
3.1environment. omplete documentation is supplied with the kit. Part numbers and ordering information are in the M8 Speifitions, Section 1.7.2.
Your M8 software includes all of the development files for compiling and downloading your application. You also have an assortment of source code files that you can use as examples.
4.3.1Development Software Files
The following M8 development files are supplied:
File Name | Purpose |
README.DOC | Complete BM85 development information text file. View or |
| print this file for current information about your software. |
BM85LOAD.EXE | The BM85 download utility |
MBPSTIM.EXE | Data transfer exerciser. Reads registers and writes a single |
| register to a controller over Modbus Plus. |
BM85.EXE | User±compiled demonstration program to be downloaded. |
| See the descriptions of the test programs below. |
BM85.PRJ | Borland C++ 3.1 project file to build BM85.EXE |
BM85.H | Header file containing function prototypes of utility routines |
C0BM85.OBJ | BM85 startup code |
BM85.C | Source file for user base demonstration program. Copy the |
| source for a specific test program into this file and compile it. |
| Initially supplied as TEST0.C. See the test programs below. |
BM85LIB.LIB | Library of utility routines |
MBPHOST.SYS | Device driver for Modbus Plus network adapter |
MBPSTAT.EXE | Modbus Plus network management and diagnostic utility |
BDRESET.EXE | Initializes and enables the Modbus Plus adapter |
4.3.2The README.DOC Information File
Your disks contain an information text file RADM.DO. This file contains detailed information about developing compiling and downloading your M8 application using the orland environment. It also contains any recently updated information about your M8 software. efore installing the software you should view this file. You may also want to printout a hard copy to use as a reference in developing your application..
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